A home office is a space where you work, read and even rest from the rest of the people in the house. Designing it may be tricky, there are too many factors to consider to make your space perfect for working but we are here to help you! These tips are great for making your home office ideal for all the purposes you may want. Let’s take a look.
Choose A Right Place
When selecting the location of your home office, consider noise and traffic factors. For example, if the office is close to the street, you may hear people walking and/or driving by. Also, consider the traffic in your home. If you plan to work in your office when the rest of the family is at home, placing it close to any family spaces is a bad idea and designing a home office nook in a living room or kitchen is even worse, better find a separate space. On the other hand, if you have small children, it might be best to place the office where you can turn around and keep an eye on them.

An old closet can be transformed into a new home office and you may use all that storage space of the closet.

A comfortable home office with much storage space and functional furniture where you may work, read and even take a nap.

The home office nook can be done in any room, even in your kids' space if you need to keep an eye on them.
Hide The Cords
Prefer wireless printers and scanners to reduce the chances of tripping over them, make your home office neater and decluttered. Go for a wireless charging mat, wireless keyboard and thunderbolt docks. If you don’t have any wireless items, hide the cords as much as possible. You can do this with a crafty combo of PVC piping, velcro and zip ties to mount power sources under desks and out of sight.
Avoid Clutter
Clutter in any home office is, first of all, about various papers. But remember, it’s 21st century, just digitize everything! Keep your calendar online, upload everything you need and you’ll have fewer documents. All the papers you don’t need should shredded preventing the further use of paper and saving the planet. Even if you need the papers, scan them and do the same.

decluttering the space will make it look larger, so avoid storing a lot of papers.

Scan all the documents and upload them on your computer and then just shredeverything you don't need.
Blend In
If your office is visible from other rooms in the house, consider how it will blend in with adjacent areas. The style choice and colors should be complementary, not clashing. However, if you can close the door to your office, there’s more leeway in your design and decorating choices. Get inspired by the examples!

A modern farmhouse space with a seamless home office nook with cabinets, built-in shelves and a black chair.

A feminine workspace with a large chandelier and an airy staircase that lets light in and looks lightweight.

This home office nook uses the blind space behind the sofa, which is usually neglected, and a glass desk makes it airy.