47 Outdoor Wooden Planters To Make

47 Outdoor Wooden Planters To Make
Wood is the most natural material ever, and it’s widely used for indoor and outdoor decor. Wooden decks, wooden outdoor furniture and decor and wooden garden bed edging – these are just some things you can make of wood outdoors. This roundup will tell you of some more wood pieces, and these are wood planters.... 
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50 Cool Outdoor Container Garden Ideas

50 Cool Outdoor Container Garden Ideas
If usual gardening is impossible for various reasons, a container garden is your choice. It sounds very simple and casual but such a garden is very versatile and you can pull off any style and finish off any space with it. Not convinced? Then here are some benefits of such gardens. Container Garden Advantages A... 
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Raised Pool Guide And 45 Ideas

Raised Pool Guide And 45 Ideas
A pool is one of the main attractions of any backyard and garden where there’s one. It’s not just a focal point in designing a space, it’s a whole outdoor relaxation oasis where everybody’s striving on a hot day. If you don’t have a pool and want one, there’s a way to go: an above... 
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Garden Bench Choosing Guide And 48 Examples

Garden Bench Choosing Guide And 48 Examples
The most popular furniture piece in any garden is a bench, it can be found literally in every space. If you need a bench for your garden and are trying to figure out what it should look like, what functions it can fulfill besides being a bench and where to place it, here’s your guide... 
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47 Rustic Birdhouses And Bird Feeders

47 Rustic Birdhouses And Bird Feeders
What do we think about when decorating a garden or another outdoor space? First of all, landscaping, second, furniture and only third, decor and small details but the latter are those that can really create an ambience, a mood and inspire. Such little details are textiles: towels, pillows, blankets, tableware if you have tables, rugs... 
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