30 Ideas To Keep Your Utility Spaces Uncluttered

30 Ideas To Keep Your Utility Spaces Uncluttered
Cluttering your home spoils the décor and makes the space look smaller. To avoid these issues, you need to declutter the spaces as much as possible and find its own place for each item. Today I’d like to share some tips of keeping utility spaces in order, I mean laundries, closets and pantries. Closets First... 
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35 Chic Ways To Rock Plants In Your Interiors

35 Chic Ways To Rock Plants In Your Interiors
We can’t live without greenery and blooms, they represent nature, make us feel calming and relaxing. But having a garden or a backyard with plants isn’t enough, bring some freshness indoors, too! Indoor greenery is perhaps the most maintainable décor that easily refreshes and enlivens the interior. Greenery can accentuate any interior and with this... 
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Enevu: Portable Light Cube To Take Anywhere

Enevu: Portable Light Cube To Take Anywhere
Portable pieces are getting more and more popularity because many people today like to go outdoors, hiking, beaches and so on, and if you can take your favorite thing with you – it’s a great advantage. I’d like to share one more portable item today, and it’s about lights. Originally touted as Rubik’s portable light... 
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45 Cool Dorm Room Décor Ideas You’ll Like

45 Cool Dorm Room Décor Ideas You’ll Like
Going to college or sending your kids there? If you are going to have a dorm room, you need to decorate and personalize it somehow. Dorm rooms are often rather small and you still need to accommodate a lot there, and express your personality adding some touches. Let’s see what options you may take and... 
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Ultraviolet LED Light Sculpture For Modern Spaces

Ultraviolet LED Light Sculpture For Modern Spaces
Lamps and lights have become an important part of every interior that may highlight or just keep the décor style. Today we are sharing a light that will definitely become a focal point in any space, and it’s UV, a bold triangular light sculpture by TJOKEEFE that hangs on a flat surface or in a... 
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28 Brilliant Ideas To Divide Open Layout Into Zones

28 Brilliant Ideas To Divide Open Layout Into Zones
Open layouts are a very popular feature in modern interiors, both in small apartment and in large houses because they visually enlarge the space and bring a feeling of freedom. However, such a floor plan may look badly disorganized. Small apartment may look cluttered and in big spaces you may get inappropriate emptiness, so how... 
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Koper Reclaimed End Table From Recycled Wood

Koper Reclaimed End Table From Recycled Wood
Using recycled materials for various purposes is gaining more and more popularity because it helps to use unnecessary things and give them a new life. More and more designers all over the world create such pieces and we’d like to share one of them with you. Who would have known that decrepit buildings in Los... 
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