This genius design is created for small spaces as here you can place your bike, books, keys and other stuff and save some space.
Vancouver-based design start-up Killwood utilizes only affected trees in their creations — forest fire risk is greatly increased if left unharvested — the studio aims to bring contemporary products to market and draw attention to the growing environmental issue. Killwood takes the wood from those pine beetle killed trees and creates sustainable lifestyle goods that offset CO2. Killwood products use upcycled waste materials, and contribute to regrowing local forests.
‘Bika’ is Killwood’s first offering, a modern wall-rack that accommodates a bike, keys, and other small items. Crafted from exotic and distinctive pine beetle kill wood, Bika elegantly displays your bike, holds your gear, and mitigates pollution saving precious space in your home.
Inspired by the minimalism of Japanese and contemporary design, Bika embraces nature while providing function to your every day. Gorgeous, uninterrupted surfaces emphasize the beauty of exotic pine beetle kill wood, telling a story of devastation and rebirth. Bika combines local sustainable materials with sophisticated minimalist design, so you no longer need to make sacrifices to be eco-friendly. Whether you’re a weekend biker, a hardcore cyclist, or a fixed gear fanatic, you’ll love Bika’s blend of sustainability and contemporary design.