Gallery walls are extremely in trend, this is a beautiful wall to accent a wall and make an interior look more personalized. One of the most popular ideas among them is a black and white gallery wall – black and white pics are classic, and this color scheme is always on trend. Here are some ideas to organize it yourself and do that with style.
How To Style A Black And White Gallery Wall?
First of all, decide on the shape – there are grid and free form gallery walls, and if you want an all-classic look, a grid black and white gallery wall is your choice. As soon as you decide on the shape you are going for, draw it out on the wall to make sure it looks perfect or to at least make an image on your PC. Second, think of the frames – will they be matching or mismatching? Will you go for black, white or gilded or stained frames? Will you go for matting or not, will it be of the same color or different? Will you go for ledges and will you frame the artworks if yes? Decide on all these things to make your gallery wall perfect.

A beautiful free form gallery wall with white mismatching frames is a cool and chic idea and will add coziness.

A black and white free form gallery wall with no matting and thin black frames is a cool and stylish solution.

A chic and elegant grid gallery wall with black and white family pics and thin black frames is an adorable solution.

A chic black and white family gallery wall with elegant white matting and thin gold frames that add a chic touch to the space.

A chic contemporary gallery wall with grey ledges on a matching wall, black and white photos in mismatching frames.

A chic gallery wall with thin gold frames, white matting and black and white photos framing the TV is cool.

A chic grid gallery wall with matching white frames and black and white family pics is cool and very elegant.

A chic mini free form black and white gallery wall with a bit of white matting and black frames is a cool idea for a modern space.

A classic free form black and white gallery wall with pearly matting for a touch of shine and black frames is a cool idea.

A cool one row grid gallery wall with stained wooden frames and black and white family pics - the shape gives the gallery wlal a modern look.

A fab black and white free form gallery wall with matching black frames and matting or no matting is a chic idea.

A farmhouse entryway with a vintage wooden console and a chic black and white gallery wall with white matting and black frames.
How To Make A Black And White Gallery Wall Eye-Catchy?
If a grid gallery wall seems boring to you, add more eye-catchiness to it. The most evident idea is a catchy form, which can be very wild, chaotic but still you can have a regular shape on the outside of the gallery wall. The second way to make the gallery wall cooler is choosing mismatching frames and matting for your photos or artworks. Matting can be all-different for a bolder look. Want an airy look? Choose white matting and white frames, and they will seem floating in the air, or even go for modern floating frames on the wall. Black frames will look heavier but they will accent your artworks better. One more idea is rocking a ledge black and white gallery wall, which allows changing art pieces and layering them on each other for a more interesting look. Get inspired by the ideas we’ve prepared!

A floating gallery wall with clear acrylic frames and gold pins is a stylish idea that looks ultra-modern and outstanding.

A free form black and white gallery wall with mismatching black and white frames and matting in some of them is a catchy idea.

A free form gallery wall with black and white family pics and white frames si a very chic and stylish idea for any space.

A gorgeous free form gallery wall with mismatching black frames, black and white matting and chaotically placed artworks.

A gorgeous gallery wall with a grid shape and matching black frames is a cool solution for any modern space and it brings chic here.

A grid black and white gallery wall made eye-catchy with asymmetrical matting and thin black frames.

A grid gallery wall with matching black frames and clear space instead of matting and black and white photos.

A large free form gallery wall with black frames and black and white prints is a stylish idea with an eclectic yet elegant feel.

A lovely black and white ledge gallery wall with mismatching frames and matting is a very bold idea to take up a whole wall.

A lovely modern gallery wall with matching white frames and black and white photos of the same place but as a panorama.

A mini grid gallery wall with matching black frames and matting plus black and white family photos is a cool idea.

A modern and elegant free form gallery wall covering a whole corner and with matching black frames and white mats is wow.

A modern grid gallery wall with white frames and black and white family pics plus white matting is fresh.

A statement gallery wall with thin black frames that seem invisible due to using black and white art and no matting.

A statement grid gallery wall with matching black frames and black and white artworks with matting is a stylish idea to rock.

A stylish black and white free form gallery wall with a regular shape is a cool idea that looks eye-catchy.

A stylish gallery wall with black frames, white matting and black and white family pictures for a traditional feel.

A stylish gallery wall with large black and white photos, white matting and black frames will be a nice idea for a farmhouse space.

A vintage gallery wall with mismatching refined and modern black frames adds elegant and chic feel to the space.

An eye-catchy black and white gallery wall with a free form and light-stained wooden frames for a more interesting look.

An oversized black and white family gallery wall featuring white matting and frames looks very lightweight and airy.

Such a mini black and white gallery wall with wide matting and thin black frames brings a chic and elegant accent to the space.