Brindilles – LED Chandelier from Ligne Roset

Brindilles LED Chandelier

Brindilles LED Chandelier.

If you want to put spectacular light on your ceiling, likes chandeliers but want something more modern than antler chandaliers than Brindilles from Ligne Roset could be an option. Brindilles is the chandelier made of fiber optic cables and 108 LED lights which all are stitched together in a white plexiglass fitting. The height of the chandelier range from 59” to 59” of optical fibres plus 39 1/2” of cables. Can you imagine how spectacular would be look of the Brindilles hanging alone in a dark room?

Brindilles LED Chandelier
Brindilles LED Chandelier

Brindilles Led Chandelier

Brindilles Led Chandelier

Brindilles Led Chandelier

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Brindilles Led Chandelier
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Brindilles Led Chandelier
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Brindilles Led Chandelier