Is it a Halloween without human bones and skulls? Of course, no! First of all, you may hang a skeleton on your door to attract the guests’ attention. Then, why not to put one in the window, waving its hand to everybody passing by? Don’t forget tableware with skulls or you may take some artificial...
Eco-Friendly Bathroom Design Of Endless Concrete
Have a look at this Flow bathroom concept by Art-Tic Design Studio. It is based on the point that all the elements like a sink or a bathtub are fused with the surrounding floor and walls. The concept is so calming and relaxing! The floor and the walls are done in concrete and so are...
Traditional Kitchen Design In 18th And 19th-century Style
This beautiful traditional kitchen is created by designer Joan Nemirow. She was inspired by soaring glass ceilings at the British Museum in London and the Passage Verdeau in Paris. She used furniture that reminds you of 18th- and 19th-century English furniture styles. The wall cabinets are white, the kitchen island is in color of natural...
15 Cool Childrens Room Decor Ideas From Vertbaudet
As I already showed you, French company Vertbaudet produce awesome products for kids and their rooms. It also come up with a nice way to show them to the public. People from the company have designed cool baby nurseries and children’s rooms. Here are it’s children’s room. These rooms feature company’s furniture and elements of...
Hand-Made Zen Organizers Of Wood For Your Working Place
If you, guys, work at weekends or at home, like us, then you need to organize your workplace there. Zen philosophy is very popular now so why not apply it to the organizing a home office? Irish designer Karolin Felix presents hand-made organizers for your personal Zen working place. They are fantastically ergonomic and convenient...
11 Cool Baby Nursery Design Ideas From Vertbaudet
French company Vertbaudet specialize in different product for kids and their rooms. Among their products are different elements of decor and furniture for baby nurseries too. To show them to public they designed several different nurseries which I find very cute and attractive. Even if you won’t buy their furniture you might use their ideas...
Kitchen With Folding Panels To Transform The Space
If you don’t have enough space you need space-saving functional solutions. This one is for your kitchen by dmvA Architecten. They suggest to hide the kitchen behind the panels. If you need some space and want to hide something – this thing is for you. With this solution you can transform and change any space....
Cool Vintage Candy-Like Kitchen Design With Retro Details
Sweet candy vintage interior – what can be better for a nice lady? Jennifer Hayslip from Georgia, USA, is keen on vintage things and romance. From time to time she renovates her kitchen and dining room and here is one of variants of her design. The renovation and décor took much time because most of...
125 Awesome Kitchen Island Design Ideas
There are plenty of problems a kitchen island could solve. It can easily add some style to your kitchen or provide additional storage, extra seating area or help to separate your cooking area. Nowadays, more than 50% of people think it’s must-have. Even small kitchens could benefit a lot if you install a smart kitchen...
10 Modern Junior Bedroom Designs From Nueva Linea
There are many Spanish companies that produce amazing furniture for teen rooms. Nueva Linea is one of them. It has been working in the furniture sector for over 75 years so their products have great quality. Furniture and accessories for junior rooms is one of their specializations. To present them the company has designed several...