Dean Di Simone is a designer who owns a 17-windowed loft in SoHo that he gutted and renovated, transforming the industrial space into an inviting home with a minimalist touch. Only a designer with such an ideal taste could create a space like that and combine things that are difficult to combine in one harmonious...
Spacious And Cozy Loft In An Industrial Building
Selldorf Architects Studio showed how airy a two-storied loft in an industrial building can look. The loft is high and broad, simple but impressive. The second floor frames the first one, and the master skills of the designers are seen here because one storey flows into the other very harmoniously. The industrial style of the...
Cosmopolitan Loft With Touches Of Various Styles
The beautiful Brussels loft is one more space that proves that an industrial building can become an elegant house with cozy touches. Fatti and Peter, the owners, created this interior in a former hat factory and it reflected Peter’s interest in modern architecture and Fatti’s cosmopolitan background. The loft is also cosmopolitan and ultra-modern with...
Villa F With Impressive Futuristic Architecture
I could never imagine such an unusual vacation home with an amazing sculptural shape. This is Villa F in Rhodes, Greece, by Peter Thomas Hornung, Elsa Katharina Jacobi and Jan Escher. The shape relates to the found eroded rocks and washed away shoreline, the entrance was generated by an interruption in the continuous natural stonewall....
Welcoming Retreat In North Carolina Forests
If you love nature and woods, if want to be closer to it and breathe fresh air in, you’ll be excited to see this retreat high in the North Carolina mountains. There is a central grand hall flanked by smaller wings housing bedrooms, a den, a kitchen, and a study. Everything is made of logs...
New York Loft Design With Classical Greco-Roman Touches
Who could imagine an apartment in the centre of New York with a modern and urbane interpretation of Greco-Roman tradition? The décor itself is rather simple and classical but the details are amazing and unusual – towering cast iron Corinthian columns, Roman-like furniture in the bathroom, globe-like chandeliers, a silver wing, a tribute to Hermes...
Stylish Fiji Retreat With Lots Of Natural Wood
This Fiji retreat was realized by Australian design studio Madeleine Blanchfield Architects. The special feature is using of many natural materials, the main of which is local wood; the interior features a refined mix of modern design tendencies and traditional island design ideas of Fiji. The resort or SPA feeling was received with the help...
Minimalist Light Wood Loft With Smart Solutions
This loft in New York created by Paul Palandjian shows how stylish minimalism may look. The main problem was that the space should have been divided into zones – living zone, dining zone, sleeping zone, and the designer approached this problem creatively. He chose big dark curtains for the bed to make this zone more...
Living Roof Design: A Real Rooftop Oasis
Traci Cavender thinks that practical design doesn’t have to mean sacrificing personal style. This pool house created by her is an infinity pool of green. Its living roof is a sustainable solution and it includes a terraced landscape that lets rainwater percolate into the soil. The rooftop garden sits above high, bright windows it looks...
Charming 18th Century Duplex With Chic Minimalist Interior
Restored houses are amazing because the outside often remains the same – stylish, old and charming, and the inside becomes modern and cozy. Michael Herrman, principal of French studio Ateliers Michael Herrman, renovated an 18th century building in Place de la Madeleine, Paris. Partly the charm of the old interior remained – original limestone walls...