The Nightmare Before Christmas is a gorgeous animated musical dark fantasy film by Tim Burton. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, the King of “Halloween Town” who stumbles through a portal to “Christmas Town” and becomes obsessed with celebrating the holiday. If you are a fan of this beautiful story, the good new is...
26 Whimsical Floral Christmas Tree Decor Ideas
If you are tired of all this traditional and boring decor at Christmas, if you want an out of the box Christmas tree that will catch all the eyes, I have a gorgeous idea for you: a floral Christmas tree! I don’t mean a whole tree made of blooms (though you can consider this option,...
25 Ways To Decorate A Classic Tabletop Christmas Tree
If you don’t have enough space for a large Christmas tree, if you need some additional trees to rock to decorate some other spaces, this is what you need – a tabletop Christmas tree! Tabletop Christmas trees can decorate your bedroom, entryway, even bathroom or become pretty centerpieces. How to decorate such a tree? If...
57 Natural Thanksgiving Table Settings
Nature is the best decoration for any occasion, especially if it’s Thanksgiving – the holiday that is connected with nature very tightly. That’s why today we’ve rounded up some beautiful and very natural table settings for this day. What to use for decor and tablescapes if you wanna give them a very natural look? Fresh...
56 Vintage And Shabby Chic Thanksgiving Décor Ideas
Vintage and shabby chic styles today are very popular in décor because they bring the charm of the old times and kind of coziness. That’s why I think that decorating for Thanksgiving in these styles is a good idea: it allows to combine antique charm and a traditional cozy and warm holiday. Color Schemes If...
46 Gold Thanksgiving Décor Ideas
Gold is a rather traditional color for Thanksgiving as well as purple and burgundy. It brings chic, elegance and a shiny touch to any tablescape and just to your spaces, so feel free to add this shiny metallics to your table, mantel, door and so on. Let’s take a look at some ideas to incorporate...
25 Halloween Bar Cart Styling And Decor Ideas
If you love hosting parties, if you enjoy inviting family to your home, a bar cart is a must there to serve some drinks and offer cocktails or sweets. As Halloween is approaching, you may wonder how to decorate and style your bar cart to make it elegant and chic part of decor and still...
25 Sweet Thanksgiving Tree Decor Ideas
Thanksgiving is a very family holiday, everybody is gathering to have a meal, a talk and enjoy seeing each other. Creating a proper welcoming ambience in the space is key to a successful family gathering or Friendsgiving, and your decor will help you with that. We usually use wreaths, garlands, signs, pumpkins, various outdoor decorations,...
54 Unexpected Colorful And Vibrant Halloween Décor Ideas
We got used to Halloween parties in black, red or orange but what about rocking some hot and kinda unexpected colors? Go green, purple, red, hot pink or any other colors that you like to make your party decor look unusual, bold and very stylish. Here are some ideas! Colorful Pumpkins Pumpkins are a must...
25 Christmas Greenery Garlands For Indoors And Outdoors
Greenery and evergreen garlands are an ultimate thing for holiday décor: they fit any décor style, from farmhouse to ultra-minimalist, and they bring a fresh holiday feel like no other items. You can make them with various textures, looks and dimensions, go for faux and natural greenery and incorporate various elements that match the style....