Color blocking is a trendy decor idea, a stylish way to sprinkle your home with color and bring an edgy feel to it. There are many ways to realize this idea and do that in many spaces but today we’ll take a look only at bedrooms.
Color blocking in bedrooms can be done in various ways: on the walls, on the ceiling or both, or with various textiles: curtains, rugs, pillows, cushions and bedding. You may color block with bold shades you like or combine neutrals with bright shades. Let’s take a look at the ideas to try.
Walls And Ceilings
Color block your headboard wall to make a bright statement in your bedroom – your space won’t be boring with that! It may be a solid color, which is contrasting to other shades on the walls, it may be a bright geometric combo or even something catchy like a large circle of a different color on the wall – there are many ways to color block. Such an idea is sure to highlight your sleeping zone as much as possible, especially if you go for a color block wall in a solid color. You may also go for a color blocked ceiling choosing a bold shade and going down to the walls a bit or choosing one wall and going down it. Color blocking can be done with paints and stencils, which is a simple and budget-friendly idea, or with wall murals if you don’t feel like painting.

A color block headboard wall and a matching rug is a great idea to fill your bedroom with color in a stylish way.

A bold color blocked bedroom with a bright purple wall and lavender plaster ones for an enchanting look.

A bold idea to add color to the bedroom, a neon yellow touch on the window to make a statement.

A kid's bedroom is spruced up with color blocking in green, pink, grey and cream, a bold and creative idea.

A minimalist bedroom with a sleeping zone accented with bright green color on the walls, ceiling and floor.

For making your space ultra-modern, just go for color blocking, like here a black headboard flowing into the wall and ceiling over the bed.

A mustard headboard and wall behind it for a color block effect and a touch of color in the bedroom.

Bright blue color blocking on the wlal and ceiling and all the rest done in white for a dreamy look.

Highlight your sleeping zone with a color block effect, paint just one headboard wall in some color, like here - muted green for a peaceful feel.
Textiles are an easier and faster way to add an edgy feel to your space. You may take a color blocked bedding set in any shades you like or hang curtains with a color block effect, go for rugs and pillows to spruce up the space. Don’t be afraid to mix up bright colors, textiles are easily changeable and if you get tired, just swap them.

Bright colro block curtains with white and bright red adds a colorful accent to the space.

Color blocked curtains in cream and grey are a great idea to add an edgy feel to your space without changing much.