We usually have a basket for daily bread in our kitchen or dining room. If you also think not just about comfort of having one but about its design too than new ‘Wicker’ daily bread basket from Muuto should be considered. It references to typical Scandinavian basket techniques: wide and thin strips weaved in two...
Search Results for: dining room
Modern Spanish – Traditional Interior Design by Ownby
When it comes to luxury interiors they usually have traditional design. This house which interior was redesigned by Ownby Design one of such examples. It’s located in Estancia near Pinnacle Peak. It’s quite a big size of 5500 square foot and was build in 1997. From every window in the home, you have one amazing...
Beach House Made of Wood and Surrounded by Desks
This beach house was inspired by well-known Bay Area architect William Wurster, who designed the earlier home that burned down on the site. It’s designed by Turnbull Griffin Haesloop Architects to capture the spirit of the original house while meeting seismic codes and federal requirements for homes in high-risk coastal zones. The structure sits on...
Ultimate Dark Interior Inspiration
Really dark interiors aren’t very popular around the world. Living in such interior usually isn’t as comfy as it should be at home. Although for some people like designers, artists, actors and other uncommon people. Just bachelors could think about such interior besides “not normal” people. Who have guts for living in such interior can...
The Most Futuristic House Design In The World
There are a lot of houses which have modern designs although none of them look as futuristic as Dupli Casa by J. MAYER H. Architects. Dupli Casa is the residence near Ludwigsburg, Germany. The house geometry is based on the house which was there before J. MAYER H. redesigned it. The villa has three floors....
Wooden Weekend Retreat by HUT Architecture
Wooden houses with a clean nature around is a great place to have the perfect weekend. You can feel the silence after long work week there or to play some games with friends. HUT Architecture designed such contemporary wooden house. Here is what they say about it: An existing 1950’s bungalow in a beautiful setting...
Modern Glamorous Interior Design by SHH
SHH is international architects practice and interior and branding design company which won a lot of prestige awards. This work is an modern, luxury and glamorous interior redesign of 10,000 sq ft, four-storey North London property. The house have stylish rooms for almost everything. Its bathroom is a KBB Review Award Winner for Bathroom Design...
New Manhattan Condo for Justin Timberlake
3 bedroom and 3 bathroom with over sized living areas as well as four exposures, 14 floor to ceiling arched windows, fabulous river views and completed with a brand new lighting package and built in Sonos sound system featuring inclusive Lutron technology controlling temperature, lights, sounds, shades and more…. That’s how new Justin Timberlake loft...
How To Rock Small Artwork: 48 Decor Ideas
Small scale art is having a moment, and that’s not surprising because of a whole ton of reasons! Small art is often more budget-friendly than large, if you DIY it, it’s also easier, and it can fill in that small piece of wall that you don’t what to do with. Besides, small scale pieces can...
43 Cool Wall Grid Decor And Storage Ideas
When we are speaking about storage, what usually comes to our minds? Open shelves, dressers, sideboards, wardrobes and other storage units and I can’t say that grids are even on the list. Still grids are among the coolest and easiest ways to add vertical storage space or decor even to the smallest nook. Let me...