Though most of us love sunshine a lot, it may happen so that your outdoor space has more shade than sun. Still, that’s not an issue at all as even a shady spot can be brightened up, and you may infuse it with interest and even intrigue without any sunlight. Here are some tips to style a shady garden and some pics that will show you good examples.
Use Plants That Love Shade
Pick plants that grow well in the shade. Here are some good ones:
- Tree Ferns add height and drama with their large fronds and old-looking trunks.
- Silver foliage like Brunnera ‘Jack Frost’ and Lamium ‘White Nancy’ can brighten up your garden.
- Hostas are known for their lovely leaves. They also bloom with flowers that rise above the foliage.
- Lenten roses have strong, evergreen leaves.
- Bleeding hearts grow beautiful heart-shaped flowers that dangle and hang gracefully.
- Virginia Bluebells have blue, trumpet-like flowers that hummingbirds love. It is a hummingbird favorite.
- Astilbe known for its feathery plumes of flowers that come in shades of pink, white, and red, and its ability to thrive in shade.
- Epimedium (Barrenwort) have pretty leaves and small, colorful flowers in various shades like yellow, pink, purple, orange, red, and white.
- Azalea shrubs have colorful flowers and can have different types of leaves.
- Rhododendrons is evergreen and produces beautiful white, pink, or purple flowers in spring.
- Foxglove has tall spikes of tubular flowers that come in various colors and do well in partial to full shade.
- Oakleaf Hydrangeas have white flowers that turn pinkish-purple in fall.

A beautiful and romantic shady garden with lot sof greenery, bushes, trees, a vase with leaves is a cool and lovely space to be in.

A beautiful and textural shady garden with a wooden shed for gardening, a wooden bench, some greenery, bold foliage and shrubs.

A beautiful entrance shady garden with dark and pale foliage, a tile path, trees and bold purple blooms is adorable.

A beautiful shady garden with a grene lawn, greenery, shrubs, a wooden gazebo, a bold fall tree, a stone path is wow.

A beautiful shady garden with a rock and pebble path, greenery, oversized foliage, trees and bushes plus some adorable fuchsia and purple blooms for an accent.

A beautiful shady garden with greenery, bold foliage, trees, a rock path with moss in between is a very romantic space.

A bold garden with a green lawn, greenery, pink and white blooms, a blooming tree, a bench and a fountain is wow.

A bold shady garden with greenery, foliage, bright blooms, a green lawn looks magical and fairy-tale inspired.

A cozy shade garden with a rock garden path, shrubs and greenery, bold foliage and some small blooms looks a bit wild.

A cozy shady garden nook with various greenery and bold blooms, a fountain, a tree, blooming bushes is a lovely space.
Consider Your Choice Of Materials
Besides plants, it’s important to choose the right materials for your shade garden furniture and paths. These spots can be more affected by dampness, algae, or even drying out if they’re under a tree.
It’s not just the plants that need to be suited to the conditions; the quality and colors of materials matter too. Darker, weatherproof materials handle the gloom and moisture better, making for a low-maintenance garden. On the other hand, lighter materials can brighten the space but might show dirt more easily.

A cozy shady garden with various types of bold greenery, some shrubs and a living wall is a very cool idea to accent your front yard or entrance.

A dark garden with ferns and some greenery is a mystical space, ferns are perfect for shady spots, they feel well here.

A dreamy shady garden with lots of trees, shrubs, blooms, a wooden arch as a trellis and a rock path is a unique space.

A fab shady garden with greenery, blooms and small trees, a stone path and some vases is amazing.

A gorgeous shady garden with greenery, trees, a rock and tile path, a wooden bench and a side table plus outdoor lamps.

A large and gorgeous shade garden with a brick path, greenery and blooms, a bird bath, some trees, some garden furniture.

A lovely shady garden with a rock path, some greenery, cacscading touches, bold purple blooms and some trees.

A lovely shady nook with greenery, bold blooms and dark foliage in pots plus some green bowls and decor is a lovely idea for a side garden.

A modern garden with wooden decks, some greenery, shrubs and trees plus a large planter with greenery is adorable.

A pretty shade garden with lots of greenery, shrubs and a tree is amazing, it looks very natural and a rock garden path adds charm.
Grow Your Plants Vertically
If your garden is small, grow plants upwards. Trained fruit trees is the first option. Espalier or Fan-trained trees like apples and pears grow against walls and save space.
Climbers is another way to go. Plants like Star Jasmine and climbing hydrangeas are perfect for covering walls and fences. They also add a nice scent.
These solutions are perfect lovely additions to a more confined urban garden.

A pretty shade garden with some greenery, bold blooms, shrubs and trees plus a bird house is a lovely and cozy space.

A refined shady garden with trees, greenery, potted greenery and baskets with shrubs, stone balls, a wooden dining set.

A refined vintage shady garden with a living wall, some trees, shrubs and potted greenery, bold blooms and vintage urns and planters.

A shade garden with greenery and bold blooms, a green lawn is a lovely space to enjoy, it looks beautiful and fresh.

A shady garden nook with bold trees and bold shrubs, a rock and pebble landscape, a wooden chair and some bold foliage.

A shady garden with trees, greenery, a gravel and rock path, a vase is a beautiful space, and white blooms refresh it a lot.

A shady nook with greenery, trees and bold blooms, a stone lantern, some pebbles and rocks is amazing for your non-sunny plot.

A shady side garden with trees, bushes, greenery, a rock and pebble path and some outdoor lamps is amazing.

A shady tropical garden with a rock path, greenery, shrubs and even some small tropical trees is a cool space with a tropical feel.

A side shady garden with lots of greenery, dark foliage, blooms, a wooden garden path feels like a mystical oasis.
Add Colorful Blooms
Bring color to your shady garden with these flowers:
- Begonias are great for containers and shady spots, they add a lot of color.
- Salvias are loved by pollinators and come back every year.
- Coleus grow slowly, they add vibrant colors to your garden.

A small and bold shady garden with greenery, bright blooms, shrubs, a green lawn, wooden chairs, rocks and a brick garden path.

A small and cozy shady spot with greenery, a garden bed with greenery and blooms, a tree, a living wall and a blue bench with pillows.

A small and laconic shady nook with a stone path, bold greenery and shrubs, some trees and a dark-stained bench is wow.

A small and shady spot with greenery, shrubs, bright blooms, a rock path is a stunning idea for any garden.

A small shade side garden with lots of greenery, a stone path and a large vase is a cool space to be in, it looks pretty and lovely.

A small shady garden with a green lawn, a tree, various types of greenery and bold foliage is a fantastic idea.

A small garden with various types of greenery, foliage and some blooms, a rock garden path and a bird bath is lovely.

A small shady nook with greenery and bold foliage under the tree plus some large rocks and pebbles is amazing.

A small shady plot with a tree, some blooming trees, greenery and bold blooms plus a green lawn is a cool idea.

A small side garden with some greenery, blooms, trees and blooming shrubs is a lovely space that feels very cozy and welcoming.

A small urban shady garden with greenery, bold foliage, shrubs and potted plants is a cool and welcoming space.

A stylish shady garden with a green lawn, a garden bed with greenery and white blooms, trees is a cool space.

A whimsical shade garden with greenery, bold blooms, shrubs, blooming trees and usual ones, a pebble path.
Layer plants by height to add depth and texture. Place taller plants at the back and shorter ones in the front. Select plants that offer year-round appeal. Choose varieties that bloom at different times or have interesting foliage and bark. Use garden lighting to highlight features and brighten shady spots at night, making the garden inviting even after sunset.
By following these tips, you can make even the shadiest garden look bright and beautiful!