44 Stone Garden Edging Ideas

Stone Edging Ideas For Your Garden

Landscape edging brings a layer of aesthetic level to your lawn. It is also functional as well as attractive, as it is used to separate different areas of your lawn. The most common use is around flowerbeds, shrubs and other plantings. Edging can keep your grass from invading a flowerbed or other area and make the upkeep easier on your entire lawn.

How Choose Landscape Edging?

You want your landscape edging to be attractive, but it shouldn’t steal the show from your plants in your garden bed. Also, consider the amount of maintenance you’re willing to do, how much you’re willing to spend, and what look you’re chasing when choosing the best landscape edging option for your needs and wants.

Analyze the shape and style of your garden. You’ll want an edging option that compliments that design. Do you want something that isn’t noticeable or something more ornamental?

Be aware of what your edging materials will endure in your local climate. Also, avoid using materials saturated with chemicals around gardens housing edible plants.

Create a pro and con list of the most common landscape edging. The most basic, cheap, and easily installed edging is black plastic edging. It is pounded into the ground with a rubber hammer along the garden’s border. A disadvantage to this method is that the material isn’t very sturdy and can crack or split due to the UV rays from the sun or being stepped on by people passing by the edging. Consider how much maintenance your chosen option will need.

Natural stone is a popular choice among homeowners. It looks nice and it durable for many years to come. Stone can be a bit on the expensive side, but considering you only buy it once and don’t have to replace it or do any upkeep, it can be a great choice. Stone can be pretty heavy though, so you may want this type of edging to be installed by a professional landscaping company.

A curved garden bed with rock edging, with bright blooms and lush greenery is an elegant part of garden design.

A curved garden bed with rock edging, with bright blooms and lush greenery is an elegant part of garden design.

Stone creates a distinct border between the green lawn and grasses and trees in the flower bed.

Stone creates a distinct border between the green lawn and grasses and trees in the flower bed.

A beautiful and peaceful Alpine garden features greenery, some stumps, rocks and stones and mulch on top.

A beautiful and peaceful Alpine garden features greenery, some stumps, rocks and stones and mulch on top.

A long curved garden bed with stone edging and bright blooms and greenery is a cool addition to the side or front yard.

A long curved garden bed with stone edging and bright blooms and greenery is a cool addition to the side or front yard.

If you want a more natural look, prefer delicate rock edging that won't look too much in your face.

If you want a more natural look, prefer delicate rock edging that won't look too much in your face.

A bright garden with a green lawn, bright bloom and greenery looks extremely bold and lush, a real outdoor eye-candy.

A bright garden with a green lawn, bright bloom and greenery looks extremely bold and lush, a real outdoor eye-candy.

A creatively shaped garden bed is finished with a neat rock edge to make it look more stylish, and with bright blooms and rocks.

A creatively shaped garden bed is finished with a neat rock edge to make it look more stylish, and with bright blooms and rocks.

This fence is refreshed with a trellis with climbers, some topiary trees, greenery and flowers.

This fence is refreshed with a trellis with climbers, some topiary trees, greenery and flowers.

Such stones add texture and interest to the garden and highlight its informal and relaxed style.

Such stones add texture and interest to the garden and highlight its informal and relaxed style.

Neutral rocks contrast the bright manicured lawn and dark mulch and make the scenery bolder and catchier.

Neutral rocks contrast the bright manicured lawn and dark mulch and make the scenery bolder and catchier.

A beautiful outdoor space featuring greenery, shrubs, trees, some blooms and styling hardscaping done with neutral gravel and grey rocks.

A beautiful outdoor space featuring greenery, shrubs, trees, some blooms and styling hardscaping done with neutral gravel and grey rocks.

A low curved garden bed shows off bright red and orange blooms and greenery plus whitewashed rocks for a contrast.

A low curved garden bed shows off bright red and orange blooms and greenery plus whitewashed rocks for a contrast.

A relaxed space with large stones, greenery, topiaries, a tree, some lamps and gravel is a cool way to do a non-flower landscape.

A relaxed space with large stones, greenery, topiaries, a tree, some lamps and gravel is a cool way to do a non-flower landscape.

Pros Of Stone Edging

Stone gives a natural vibe to a landscape. It is often used to create cottage-style look or blend in with water features. Stone landscape edging tends to be chosen when the homeowner is wanting edging to be a focal point in the landscape. Stone edging provides a timeless, rustic look that complements a wide range of landscaping styles.

Stones are incredibly durable and can withstand years of exposure to the elements.

Once in place, stone edging requires little to no maintenance.

Lush blooms and greenery, an elegant vintage vase that echoes with the stone border make the landscape chic and refined.

Lush blooms and greenery, an elegant vintage vase that echoes with the stone border make the landscape chic and refined.

Raise your front yard to a new level adding such a bright decor feature with blooms, topiaries, trees and neutral stone edging.

Raise your front yard to a new level adding such a bright decor feature with blooms, topiaries, trees and neutral stone edging.

Bold blooms and greenery paired with rocks can be a nice base for an Alpine garden.

Bold blooms and greenery paired with rocks can be a nice base for an Alpine garden.

Neutral stones contrast the green lawn and black mulch creating a more defined border.

Neutral stones contrast the green lawn and black mulch creating a more defined border.

A stone garden designed with rocks and stones of various shapes, with greenery and grasses and just some blooming groundcovers.

A stone garden designed with rocks and stones of various shapes, with greenery and grasses and just some blooming groundcovers.

Various types of greenery paired with stones can create a no less eye-catchy look than flowers, illuminate them with lamps.

Various types of greenery paired with stones can create a no less eye-catchy look than flowers, illuminate them with lamps.

A duo of raised garden beds with stone edges, bright purple, pink and white blooms will add much color to your garden.

A duo of raised garden beds with stone edges, bright purple, pink and white blooms will add much color to your garden.

A gravel path is paired with stone edging, and bright blooms finish off the look and make the space bolder and cooler.

A gravel path is paired with stone edging, and bright blooms finish off the look and make the space bolder and cooler.

Large rocks and stones create a bolder border and add texture to the garden look, while bold blooms and greenery bring the color.

Large rocks and stones create a bolder border and add texture to the garden look, while bold blooms and greenery bring the color.

If you have a rock path, pair it with a matching flower bed edge, then you will have a seamless and chic outdoor space.

If you have a rock path, pair it with a matching flower bed edge, then you will have a seamless and chic outdoor space.

Bright flowers, greenery and stones to line them up and give the garden bed a more defined and cool look.

Bright flowers, greenery and stones to line them up and give the garden bed a more defined and cool look.

A little Alpine corner with topiaries, blooms, greenery, a tree, some rocks and stones and potted plants is amazing.

A little Alpine corner with topiaries, blooms, greenery, a tree, some rocks and stones and potted plants is amazing.

A bright outdoor space with greenery and trees, whitewashed stones lining up the paths and garden beds and colorful flowers.

A bright outdoor space with greenery and trees, whitewashed stones lining up the paths and garden beds and colorful flowers.

Stones and lavender used to lined up the borders in a chic and bold way, to create an eye-catchy transition from the green lawn to the gravel.

Stones and lavender used to lined up the borders in a chic and bold way, to create an eye-catchy transition from the green lawn to the gravel.

Rocks and pebbles look nice together and you can fill in the gaps between large rocks using small pebbles adding interest to the space.

Rocks and pebbles look nice together and you can fill in the gaps between large rocks using small pebbles adding interest to the space.

A green lawn and curved garden beds covered with rocks completely to pull off an edgy and modern look.

A green lawn and curved garden beds covered with rocks completely to pull off an edgy and modern look.

A fence is hidden with some greenery and a tree, with bold blooms and proper hardscaping done with stone and gravel.

A fence is hidden with some greenery and a tree, with bold blooms and proper hardscaping done with stone and gravel.

Cons Of Stone Edging

Bricks and stone are complicated to install. You don’t need special tools, but you need to be meticulous about leveling and spacing to get tidy results.

Unless you’re recycling used bricks or using found stone, this edging can be expensive. It’s also heavy and bulky to purchase and transport, and installation may require effort and time.

Stone doesn’t provide a barrier for weeds and roots.

Stone can be porous making it easily impacted by water.

Stone can easily move around and shift. These are all the drawbacks and advantages of stone edging. Would you choose it?

This beautiful design includes greenery of various kinds, a single tree, a bird bath and lamps and some stones that separate it from the grass.

This beautiful design includes greenery of various kinds, a single tree, a bird bath and lamps and some stones that separate it from the grass.

Cover the ground with pinecones for a more natural and woodland-inspired look, they can be easily gathered by you yourself and they are veryeco-friendly.

Cover the ground with pinecones for a more natural and woodland-inspired look, they can be easily gathered by you yourself and they are veryeco-friendly.

Rough stone and mulch are always a good combo, and gravel by the edge adds even more texture to the landscape.

Rough stone and mulch are always a good combo, and gravel by the edge adds even more texture to the landscape.

Rounded stones, green groundcovers and white sand compose a fantastic, modern and edgy landscape that wows.

Rounded stones, green groundcovers and white sand compose a fantastic, modern and edgy landscape that wows.

Smaller and more neutral borders like this one won't distract attention from the design itself and the blooms and plants will be accented.

Smaller and more neutral borders like this one won't distract attention from the design itself and the blooms and plants will be accented.

Black mulch contrasts neutral rocks and paired with a green lawn, they create a modern edgy look.

Black mulch contrasts neutral rocks and paired with a green lawn, they create a modern edgy look.

Lush and vivacious flowers will take over any outdoor space becoming a spectacular feature in the garden, frame them with something not too bright like simpel stones.

Lush and vivacious flowers will take over any outdoor space becoming a spectacular feature in the garden, frame them with something not too bright like simpel stones.

A layer of smaller rocks followed by a layer of larger ones create a bold and modern look with much texture and interest.

A layer of smaller rocks followed by a layer of larger ones create a bold and modern look with much texture and interest.

A bit of edging will give the composition a neat and more formal look, even if the plants aren't very formal ones.

A bit of edging will give the composition a neat and more formal look, even if the plants aren't very formal ones.

Bright green lawn is separated from the bold foliage with a neutral rock border that echoes with the brick path.

Bright green lawn is separated from the bold foliage with a neutral rock border that echoes with the brick path.

Neutral stone and bold purple blooms and greenery are a lovely combo for a garden.

Neutral stone and bold purple blooms and greenery are a lovely combo for a garden.

Smaller stones and large pebbles look very natural and pretty, and they will add a bit of relaxed touch to the outdoor space.

Smaller stones and large pebbles look very natural and pretty, and they will add a bit of relaxed touch to the outdoor space.

Rocking simple stones will make your garden more cottage-like and more relaxed, and with a border garden beds will still look more formal.

Rocking simple stones will make your garden more cottage-like and more relaxed, and with a border garden beds will still look more formal.

Stones and pebbles covering the whole space prevent erosion of the soil and let the blooms and greenery stand out a lot.

Stones and pebbles covering the whole space prevent erosion of the soil and let the blooms and greenery stand out a lot.