Many of us face the problem of lack of space in our homes. But even if you have a small house or apartment, there are still some ways to make it look bigger, let’s have a look. Open-plan space. Eliminate all the walls and space dividers as an open space looks much bigger than it...
Really Modern Yet Cozy and Livable Interior Design
Modern interior designs are usually associates with cold minimalist rooms that aren’t very cosy. Although that isn’t always so and here is an example of how modern interior could be made very very livable. The project is called Critz and it’s done by Pepe Calderin Design. It features all elements of modern interior design like...
Concrete and Steel Modern Interior Design
This interior is a great example of how modern could be 1930s house inside. The 2200 square feet house is located on exposed site high above the city in Seattle’s Queen Anne neighborhood. Even though the interior is sleek, muscular and contemporary it’s also Mediterranean-style archways and tile roof. Concrete and steel were added in...