105 IKEA Kallax Shelf Ideas And Hacks You’ll Like

105 IKEA Kallax Shelf Ideas And Hacks You’ll Like
IKEA Kallax is a timeless and comfy in using shelf that may be used either horizontally or vertically depending on what type of furniture you want. Kallax is a perfect storage piece that can match many types of interiors and styles, it can be turned into a whole bunch of things according to your wish,... 
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63 Functional Niche Shelves For Modern Decor

63 Functional Niche Shelves For Modern Decor
When you lack space, the obvious solution is to create more storage wherever you possibly can. But adding bulky cabinets or mounting shelves can take up valuable floor space and clutter the room. Here’s a brilliant idea: a wall niche! What Is A Wall Niche? A wall niche is basically a decorative box nested inside... 
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Artistic Mizu Table For Creating Your Own Installations

Artistic Mizu Table For Creating Your Own Installations
You can either set out to buy furniture that looks artistic, or you can make your own art with your furniture. The Mizu table is designed in a way that allows you to add your own artistic touch to it, the table is part storage, part installation. Designer Alicja Prussakowska felt that your emotional attachment... 
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Multifacet Object Collection For Displaying Different Items

Multifacet Object Collection For Displaying Different Items
French designer Matali Crasset has paired concrete and metal to create four faceted objects, each for displaying different items. The Multifacet collection for French brand Concrete LCDA includes a champagne bucket, a candle holder, a vase and a two-tiered display case. Each design has the same standard fibre-reinforced concrete form, comprising an octagonal base and... 
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