Terrariums are awesome for décor and very trendy today but a spring terrarium is something special, I think, it’s kind of a piece of spring nature that you bring inside, which is especially cool for cold climates as in spring they still have snow. How to compose your own springy terrarium and make it long-lasting?...
Neo Geo Terrarium Inspired By The Chilean Desert
We’ve seen many terrariums – pendant and table, round and square but I’ve never seen a terrarium inspired by some place. This one is inspired by the magnificent Chilean desert and is called Neo Geo Terrarium by Ricardo Espinoza. Neo Geo Terrarium is a real desktop oasis composed in layers, a metal frame protectively surrounding...
Stylish Cube Aeriums To Make A Miniature Garden On A Desktop
Cube Aeriums are little tabletop compositions that are natural decorations for your home. Tiny mosses, lichen, and Tillandsia grow happily under glass. All cubes are 2.5 inches wide and 2.5, 3.5 or 6 inches tall. They are perfect gifts because they already come gift-wrapped in craft boxes. Several aeriums can become a miniature garden on...
Mini Terrariums To Decorate Your Indoor Space by Botany Factory
Mini terrariums become more and more popular nowadays. They can be tabletop, hanging, or wall-mounted. That’s why there is a new manufacturer of these cute mini-gardens that we can put inside of our homes. Botany Factory is a collaboration of a plant enthusiast, Katie Goldman Macdonald, and a glass artist, Evan Kolker. They already have...
Hand-Blown Glass Mini Terrariums by Lítill
There are a lot of tutorials around the internet which show you how to create a mini terrarium of a glass bottle or something similar by yourself. Although what if you want a professionally made mini terrarium? Lítill offers six different kits of such terrariums. Each of them includes the unique container, sand, and a...