73 Mid-Century Modern Credenzas And Cabinets

73 Mid-Century Modern Credenzas And Cabinets
Mid-century modern credenzas, cabinets and sideboards are a great way to add a little nostalgia and charm to your living room, dining room, home office or any other space. These pieces come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They are versatile: you can use them to hold your favorite books or display your favorite knickknacks... 
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64 Doorway Wall Storage Solutions For Small Spaces

64 Doorway Wall Storage Solutions For Small Spaces
We are getting more and more creative about storage in our homes: here are hidden drawers in the wall, here are built-in cabinets in the stairs, here are open shelves built into an awkward nook. The space that we all forget about is a doorway, a doorway and its wall – these can be perfect... 
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How To Organize Your Jewelry In A Comfy Way: 40 Ideas

How To Organize Your Jewelry In A Comfy Way: 40 Ideas
All the girls have lots of jewelry for all kinds of occasions, and storing it right will help you to easily and fast find it when you need and not to forget something. If you have some spare drawers, you may add some compartments and dividers there and store all your necklace, earrings and rings.... 
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Caruso Music Cabinet With A High-Definition Speaker Outfitted

Caruso Music Cabinet With A High-Definition Speaker Outfitted
With its trumpet-shaped speaker, the Caruso music cabinet by Paolo Cappello Design might make you think of old gramophones, but it’s outfitted with a Bluetooth, high-definition speaker for the digital age. The cabinet measures 39 inches wide and comes in lacquer – silk gray, dusty gray, black, white, pink coral, or pastel blue – along... 
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55 Ways To Use IKEA Besta Units In Home Décor

55 Ways To Use IKEA Besta Units In Home Décor
IKEA Besta is a whole storage collection in various configurations that must be secured to the wall. The drawers and doors close silently and softly, thanks to the integrated soft-closing function. The simplicity of these drawers allows combining and decorating them as you like and creating your own constructions where you need. Besta can be... 
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Unique Transforming Cubrick Storage Cabinet

Unique Transforming Cubrick Storage Cabinet
The idea behind this Cubrick cabinet by industrial designer Carin Young and cabinet maker Ian Spencer was to combine the design world and the handmade pieces. You’re undoubtedly wondering how the mechanism works, and here’s the answer. By using a “chaotic” construction technique Yard Sale Project has broken free of traditional boundaries whilst still retaining... 
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SuperMod 3D Printed Modular Wall Storage System

SuperMod 3D Printed Modular Wall Storage System
As part of their residency at Bold Machines, Sebastian Misiurek and Arianna Lebed of Simplus Design created SuperMod, a modular wall system that has been 3D printed. This system creates a versatile aggregation of storage that is equal parts function and beauty. The wall fluctuates between different sized modules to accommodate various types of storage... 
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Smart Magnetika Storage Solutions For All Your Needs

Smart Magnetika Storage Solutions For All Your Needs
Out of the box storage solutions aren’t always what you need so Ronda Design created a magnetic solution to help with all of your storage needs. Magnetika is made up of a wall panel system that can be outfitted with shelves and accessories which are secured in place by magnetic force. Anytime your needs change,... 
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Eye-Catching Unique Cabinet One From Natural Oak

Eye-Catching Unique Cabinet One From Natural Oak
The ‘Unique Collection’ of furniture, handmade from precisely cut oak, mahogany, and pallet wood, is the work of FactoryTwentyOne owner, Christopher Berry. This Unique Cabinet One is a part of this collection. The beautiful doors were going to be two tabletops but due to the nature of the collection the decision was made to turn... 
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Unique Black Scars Cabinet From Oxidized Oak

Unique Black Scars Cabinet From Oxidized Oak
Whatever this cabinet did to deserve those lashings must have been really bad! At once dark and playful, the Black Scars cabinet by designer Alon Dodo tells a story with its artistic sculptural form that celebrates the unique qualities of wood. Though it looks soft and fleshy, it’s made from solid oxidized oak adorned with... 
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