How To Incorporate Rope Into Home Décor: 34 Ideas

How To Incorporate Rope Into Home Décor: 34 Ideas
Rope brings a strong nautical mood, and it’s good for decorating not only beach houses but also for industrial and masculine spaces. So, what are the ways to use rope for décor? Furniture. Make or buy shelves with rope, wrap different pieces like a bedside table, a coffee table or a chair – completely or... 
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How To Incorporate Pebbles Into Your Home Décor: 28 Ideas

How To Incorporate Pebbles Into Your Home Décor: 28 Ideas
To me pebbles always remind of walking along a river or a stream, it’s so relaxing and enjoyable! And a brilliant idea is to bring this relaxation home – incorporate pebbles into décor. The easiest idea is, of course, washing the pebbles and putting them into bowls or vases but there are more ideas that... 
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