What is the most exotic continent in the world? Nowadays, when Japanese sushi-bars are in every town of Europe and America we can say that it is Africa. The house you are seeing is in Kenya. But if you really want to create your own Africa at home, you can do it wherever you are!

The important feature of real Afro-style is the contrast of light and dark. Sandy floor, whitewashed walls, dark doors, and décor elements such as masks and imitated game heads. These masks are original and made in Tanzania and Zaire, so decorating your dwelling you can use any souvenirs brought from voyages or bought in a shop. Sure, the last ones won`t be certainly made in Africa, but it might not matter to you at all. Perhaps, you will like the ceiling boarded with halves of logs.

You can use the Eastern, Arabic, Islamic elements too. The bed with the canopy, the lamp, rug and bed nightstand are in the style of Morocco. And what about the original stairs with Arabian letters?

The whitewashed semi-walls are there outside too.

The unusual doorways, niches and shelves also look nice. Don`t you feel an atmosphere of something really far and charming? For sure, the plaster works won`t be easy, but it is possible in your house too.

The bathroom with the great vat is really fabulous. I bet you have never seen something like this. The décor is rather simple, but anyway it is exotic and amazing.