Wallpaper has made a huge comeback to home decor, and it’s getting more and more popularity, you can see it everywhere from bathrooms to kids’ rooms. It’s not only about statement walls, it’s about covering all the walls with wallpaper or even accenting furniture with bold wallpaper. Today I’d like to share some more ideas on creative using of wallpaper in your home, and these are wallpaper kitchen backsplashes. Yes, backsplashes! You may say that it’s not practical and is a bad idea but I’m ready to prove that it’s not so.
Making a tiled backsplash can be really costly and pretty difficult, not everyone can do it, while a wallpaper backsplash doesn’t cost much and can be created very fast by you, even if you don’t know how, there are lots of DIYs. Besides, temporary wallpaper is a perfect idea for a rented home because you can easily remove it unlike tiles.
Some backsplashes are water-resistant, so they can be easily used instead of tiles, and if not – think over installing an acrylic or glass screen to cover the backsplash and to protect it from grease and water splashes.

Cover the wallpaper with acrylic or glass screens to save the wallpaper from grease and water splashes.
Postcards, drawings, and other patterns of your own designs or from your own collection can easily be hung behind a sheet of glass for a backsplash too. It’s a cute idea to personalize your backsplash and give your kitchen a cuter look, which can’t be done with other materials.
Wallpaper is a great idea to stand out, there are lots of ideas to go for, from retro-inspired to ultra modern ones. Tile backsplashes can be often seen but wallpaper ones are a unique way to style your space, so rock them.

Give a homey and living room-like look to your kitchen covering not only the backsplash but also the walls.

A monochromatic kitchen receives a bold floral print and more interest with it with a wallpaper backsplash.

Add a unique look to the minimalist kitchen and change it any time changing the wallpaper and adding new touches.

To avoid a boring look in an all-white kitchen, rock a colorful wallpaper backsplash with butterflies and birds.
Wallpaper isn’t a practical choice for such a functional space as a kitchen unless you choose water-resistant wallpaper or go for an additional screen over it. otherwise, you’ll have to change the wallpaper very often to avoid a messy look. Due to all that, a wallpaper backsplash isn’t a good idea if you have kids – they will paint on it, break glass and much more.

Wallpaper isn't expensive and you can refresh and change the kitchen look changing the wallpaper backsplash.