The word ‘cottage’, which was originally ‘cotter’, made a long way from meaning a peasant living in a small home with a barn to meaning just a small house. While the cottages of Europe serve as dwellings, the cottages of America usually refer to a vacation home. How does it look and how to pull off cottage style if you want it? Let’s take a look at some characteristic features of such a home.
A cottage in the English countryside will often resemble another home style. There may be a simple line of windows like a Georgian home or you might find the half timber pattern of a Tudor home. If you want to take your cottage in a more modern direction, try to preserve the historic charm and use paint and details like fixtures to bring your little house up to date. For example, black is a great option that will make your cottage stand out against the rest of the charming cottages.
Thatched roofs are about as classic cottage as you can get and, combined with some climbing roses, you’ll have an English cottage fit to be in film. If you want to create a beach cottage look, embrace the shingles of the seaside Victorian. Paired with your classic minty greens and windy grasses, you’ll make your cottage into a place you’ll never want to leave.
If you don’t have a front porch to decorate, make window boxes. They will make it easy to give your cottage that pop of color and changing them out seasonally will be simple. A back patio is not only a great way to expand your entertaining space but also highlights the coziest cottage decor.

Climbing plants and flowers are one of the characteristic features of cottage homes that brings that feel and aesthetics.

Paint your historic cottage black to give it a more modern feel yet preserve the original brick or stone cladding.

A thatched roof is a characteristic features of traditional English cottages, which is sure to make yours very vintage-like.

Window boxes are traditional for cottages and you may easily change the look from season to season with them.

Even if you don't have any, make them of wood, the tutorial is pretty simple and won't take much time or effort.

Such window boxes will easily substitute any front porches and you'll be able to grow any blooms here.

Even if you don't have a back patio, you should make one to extend your small living space outdoors.

Create an outdoor dining space with wicker furniture in your back patio to extend the living space and enjoy fresh air.
When renovating a historic cottage, you’re likely to find lots of things underneath the modern wood and drywall, like brick and stone. If you’re able, keep these elements exposed to give your cottage a real nostalgic feel. Beams were a common occurrence in a cottage and may need a bit of refinishing but you’ll be able to appreciate that touch of vintage they’ll add to your cottage.
Shutters are welcome for cottages not only for exterior but also for interiors. Interior shutters can fold away from the windows completely, allowing the maximum natural light, unlike curtains sometimes.
Classic English cottages thrive on pattern. If you aren’t sure where and how to place your patterns, just cover your walls, cabinets, furniture and even the floor in white and then look around and determine what needs color and where the pattern should be without too much trial and error.

Wooden beams are another feature you should expose, they are sure to highlight the atmosphere and make the space cozier.

Even if there are no beams you can restore, you may add some fake ones aging and weathering them if you want.

shutters may be used both inside and outside to add more classic cottage charm to your space and make them welcoming.

Unlike curtains the shutters can fold completely and brign maximum of light inside plus they keep your space warm when closed.

Shutters, especially molded or colorful ones, can become an interestign and unusual decor feature inside giving your space a personality.

Sweet light-colored floral patterns are number one for creating an English cottage look, they are very organic here.

Various floral and botanical prints beautifully mixed in bedroom decor, frames and textiles are totally chic.

floral print wallpaper and a plaid upholstered chair look harmonious together and are perfect for a cottage.